Adam and Eve and The Apple Store
Well, Cosmo Magazine released it's latest findings on the hot new places to meet men and concurs with what this Diva has been saying all along - Take thee to an Apple store!!
Let's recall how it all began, way back at the beginning - Adam and Eve met over a forbidden fruit - popularly identified as an apple (hmmm, coincedence? perhaps.) or maybe not.
Let's just say this - next time you have some time to kill, or you happen to be in the mall playing with make-up at Sephora and buying Jimmy Choo's at Nordstroms, strut your stuff over to a Mac store and just see what the buzz is about - not only is the store filled with tech-driven, mac-hungry, iPod
If the Apple Store starts serving cocktails and food I just might have to move in permanently!
Word on the street has it that one of the busiest times for the Apple store on 5th avenue is like 2 in the morning. A Mac attack without the calories - what more do you want out of life?
Technorati Tags: apple, where to meet men, ipod, apple store, mac