Mission Operation Extraction of Diva3 (Alias Couchspylauncher)
Just when I thought my period of unemployment would start to become more productive, making better use of my days to network, explore new interests, take some classes, get out of bed b/4 noon, take charge of my life,--- the ALIAS Complete Collection DVD Boxset
Calling all Divas for extraction immediately. Diva 1, you will prepare the optech for the mission (as you are the only one with keys to my apartment--please be careful of the wreath). Diva 2, assemble a team of 20 agents. Intel indicates the c4 cable remote control has an automatic feature wired to fuse plastic to human flesh if held too long. We have 24 hours. I cannot stress the importance of freeing Diva 3 literally from the grips of disaster. Let's MOVE!!!
P.s. Michael Vaughn, Will Tippen and Spy Daddy need to be on standby for possible ressusitation of the subject should potential shock and withdrawal ensue.
Technorati Tags: alias, alias dvds, tv, jennifer garner, michael vaughn, gifts