Other Door, The American Idol Mantra
okay, so American Idols new season has kicked off to a painful few weeks of wrong notes, wrong keys, wrong pitch and just plain wrong EVERYTHING!
This seasons Idol is even featuring a wrong door!
Last nights' show featured a 5 minute montage of contestants trying to escape the audition room through the wrong door. and what we mean by wrong - is - it simply doesnt open, it's locked and you have to push the door next to the wrong door to get out.
The fact that this mishap happened so often they made a montage from it leads me, and anyone with a brain, to ask a basic question...for a show that employs college grads (i'm thinkin), and likely has plenty of low-life interns around (i can say that cause i used to be a tv intern) didn't anyone think to make a sign to eliminate this repeated scenario a couple gazillion times? All that would be required is paper, pen, tape to put a sign on the wrong door so people would use the right door.
Honestly i would have handed a promotion for the genius who could have spared me the montage and the wasted energy of Simon, Paula and Randy constantly having to recite, "other door."
Hey, maybe "other door" will win this season of idol....it's gotta have a better voice than the bulk of what we've heard so far!
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simon randy and paula, tv,