17 Divas : Dish about Celebrity, Reality TV, Entertainment & More!

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Monday, October 30, 2006

A Prince of a Decision

Oh jeez, this season's Bachelor (and i swore i wouldnt watch it again) just had his hometown dates. The bachelor, Lorenzo - an italian "prince" from Morristown, NJ. (anyone else laughing?) is actually one of the most likeable bachelors i've seen. Aside from that his grandmother is a make-up emporess, he himself has developed a line of bath and body products for dogs - and any guy that likes dogs enough to pamper them in ginseng and lavendar gets an A in my book.

But here's the thing. he's selected 4 woman who's parents to meet. And for those not paying attention, this is what he's left with:

1. Sadie - super sweet, but not too cavity provoking, likable, a virgin, nice family, all sounds good - but she lost me at "God".

2. Lisa - a Freak! plain and simple - she has wedding and bride magazines on her coffee table, an agenda since the age of 2 to be married by the age of 26, and a best friend with bad timing and a perfectly fitting wedding dress in the closet. Any questions?

3. Jen - sweet, nice, cute, only child and a father more intimidating than Jack Nicholson with a cavalry of shotguns in the den for anyone who mistreats his little Princess.

4. Angnese - italian born, speaks barely any english, not sure why she's made it this far and on the home town date the family visit was, shall we say, on the quiet side....until the music came on then this family got their freak on, dancing around the kitchen with masks . Nothiing like some good italian wine to get your groove on!

in the end, the italian gets the boot! a surprise to moi - as my money was on Lisa hitting the highway. my guess is, she'll crash and burn next week!

on another topic - who made Erica a star? oh, wait, that would be ABC and the bachelor producers who have turned Tiara-wearing (and selling - oh it helps to be on tv to sell products!), not-chosen, Erica from Houston, who actually flew Coach (can you BELIEVE???) for the First time in her life just to meet Lorenzo - what a giver, eh?!!! My diamond studded tiarra is off to her - she went on that show to upstage all the girls and ended up seemingly replacing the host, what was his name... oh yeah, Chris something! She's been on every talk show that'll have her and my guess is ------ oh, and it's a stretch (NOT!) that you're lookin at the next Bachelorette!

-D4 out the door!

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