Gina's Graceful Farewell on Idol
well, another elimination nite on idol and another talented idol contestant gets robbed by Sanjaya. Not even in the bottom 3, Sanjaya should feel like a schmuck for being in this competition while actual talent leaves us each week and he stays to annoy us some more with his ridiculous hair, oversized clothing and cocky attitude that makes Simon seem nice. He should take his skinny ass and vote himself off and run far far away. Sanjaya has made this season of American Idol an absolute Farce!
Gina and Haley were voted in the bottom 2 tonite. Haley clearly thought it was her swan song but her "great leg" campaign seems to be working for her. She's working her gams for everything they've got and as Simon admitted, she's got some great legs. She's appeared in nothing but short shorts and short dresses up to her cooter since the competition began. When she inevitably IS voted off Idol, this diva's fairly sure she can book a Nair commercial.
Gina was graceful and fought thru her tears to sing her final song on idol tonite, ironically titled "smile though your heart is aching". Sorry, Gina. Check your bank account tomorrow - Sangina strikes again!
I can just imagine the contempt the other Idol contestants must have towards Sangina on these elimination nites.
But, Idol world, fear not. Idol fame is what you make of it whether you're # 5 or #1. Anyone heard a peep from Taylor Hicks since last season? uh no. But Kelli Pickler and Chris Daughtry are everywhere... you almost forget who actually won the competition.
D4 annoyed and out.
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Labels: american idol, gina, gina glocksen, haley scarnato, idol elimination show, sanjay malakar, sanjaya