The real Idol Showdown begins
The top 12. The big band. The big stage. The big audience. The real Idol Showdown begins!
... and I start this blog with the 17Divas mantra, "SANJAYA MUST GO!" - Abomindable singing and dancing - if you can even call it that! He is embarassing to watch, yet he clearly has lots of friends with cell phones.
Melinda Doolittle , singing my favorite song from "The Wiz" was my absolute favorite. I admit to crying alongside Paula during her incredible performance. Next best was Lakisha.
Simon remembered Haley's name and liked her performance despite her forgetting a lyric or twelve. Chris Richardson bopped all over the stage but for the first time didnt make me seasick. I think he's adorable. Most of the guys are a blur in this competition. Simon and Ryan exchanged in and out of the closet pleasantries assuring the rest of us that they clearly have a special thing for each other.
til next time,
Diva 4 outie.
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Labels: american idol, fox, haley scarnato, idol, idol top 12, lakisha, melinda doolittle, paula, ryan seacrest, sanjay malakar, simon, tv