(Sun) Dancin' with the Geek in the Pink
Oh my! Diva 1, home from another long day at the office, was pleased to find that a few of the boys tonight threw down strong tracks to try and make you forget that it was all about the women last week.
Chris Richardson did his Big Mama proud, and our Beat Boxin' Boy Bander proved that -- regardless of the rest of the noise that comes out of his mouth, the boy can sing. And Sundance Head closed it out with a great vocal of a fun song that sounded original and proved he can sing without turning red (come on, I KNOW you all expected him to sing Elton John's Levi after he cried over the kid so Mustang Sally was a fresh choice!).
Diva 1 has to agree that the judges, for the most part, got it right with respect to the other hopefuls: (1) Phil 'Navy' Stacey: great voice, but he needs to learn how to bring it right out of the box, and pick slightly better songs. And wear the hat. (2) Jared Cotter: again, great voice, and better song choice, but I'll take Simon one further -- it was like watching Gopher sing in the Love Boat Lounge. And seemed to be one step away from moving into non-PG territory. Sharp suit though! (3) Nick 'Vote for' Pedro: Diva 1 LOVED the song choice, and loved the sultry vocals. But I'm not sure he broke a sweat, let alone was impassioned and aflame with Fever. He needs to crack open the cookie to find the fortune beneath.
As for the rest: (1) Chris 'Funny Guy' Sligh: better song choice, but I didn't think the vocal was that stunning. (2) Brandon Whats'-his-name. That song was SO forgettable, I seriously can't remember his name. Frustrating, b/c Diva 1 senses there might be some talent underneath. Its a toss-up whether he or AJ secures one of the ousted spots.
Last, and definitely the very least, Sanjaya. Weird weird weird. I'm not sure he was even singing. I'm not sure he's not actually the sister. I still can't believe he was one of the top 4 vote getters. He must go, and he must go now! If he doesn't, Diva 1 may be hanging up her DVR... At least on Tuesdays...
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