Sanjaya Dodges Bullets ... AGAIN! Sabrina and Sundance get Robbed!
With more lives than an alley cat and more luck than a Leprechaun in an irish pub, Sanjaya Malakar shockingly makes the American Idol Top 12 of Season 6 to the dropped jaws of Himself, Simon, Randy, Paula, Me, the other 3 Divas and anyone in the free world who is hearing-enabled. I screamed so loud I almost lost a tonsil.
I screamed nearly as loud when Ryan announced that the wedding singer made it into the covetted spots instead of Sabrina.
Sabrina and Sundance got robbed with a capital "R"!!!! And as much as I wanted the Tit-Flasher gone, I actually preferred her singing to Haley 'the wedding singer' Scarnato.
As for Jared Cotter - I predict a soap opera career in his future - is 'Passions' still on the air? he'll be getting a casting call soon.
and, i'm sorry but I cannot let this Sanjaya thing lie. He has zero charissma, zero stage presence, zero body (take off those x-L shirts and you'll find the body of a 12 yr old i'm thinking.) and zero talent! yet, H-E-L-L-O apparently america thinks he's top 12 material.
I missed Tuesday nite's men's show due to Divas Las Vegas and when they did the re-cap and I got a gander of Sanjaya's flat-ironed hair - HE truly DID turn into his Sister!!!! OMG! I can't bare to watch him any more, yet America thinks I need to.
- A disgusted D4 out
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Labels: american idol top 12, american-idol, antonella barba, fox, haley scarnato, idol, idol results show, sabrina sloan, sanjaya, simon cowell, top 12