This is what Idol is about!!
Is there any need to talk about anyone other than Melinda? I love this girl. LaKisha was my fave last week, but Melinda just blew her out of the water last night. My jaw was on the ground for her performance, it was as if her body had been possessed with the spirit of some late, great, totally well-seasoned diva of a performer. I mean, we all knew she had it in her, but WOWZA! Then the lights went down and shy little Melinda came back, looking anxious and worried, praying for good responses from the judges. I'll admit, I teared up. Maybe it is the hormones.
The way Simon treats her should dispell any wrong-headed notions that he is mean just for the sake of being mean. When he gives someone the smackdown it is for the greater good of humanity, and/or because the talentless little monster deserves it. With Melinda, Simon is like a mama bird, ever so gently blowing on her wings, encouraging her to take flight. He does this for her and for all of us- knowing that he has a delicate and rare talent in his hands. Paula can say all the same things, but we've heard it all before out of her. From Simon, it means something. He is just so darn sweet with her, it makes me forget about his rare stumbles in judging and his constant fashion faux pas.
And speaking of talentless little monsters deserving of a smackdown- someone please smack a clue into Antonella's pretty and empty head! As my other Divas and the judges have so rightly pointed out previously, contestants choose Whitney and Celine at their peril! Poor Antonella, even when she started singing last night, I was still thinking, poor girl, she's really just a novice, she seems nice enough, she's just out of her depth. But, then, oh, no, she di'unt just roll her eyes at the judges??? I hated when Fantasia did it, but at least she had the pipes to back it up. But slutty little Barbarella?? Ah, hell, no! Then the Jenifer Hudson comment?? WTF?? After that behavior, I think she's just a self-absorbed little bitch. And Simon was spot on- he's not the one who was wrong about Hudson, it was the American people who voted her off early. If she's not gone tonight, I'm hunting down the owners of "Vote for the Worst" and forcing them to listen to her sing over and over and over...
I can't even talk about those photos floating around of her. Ugh. Even if the oral sex ones aren't her, the rest are plenty nasty.
My runner up after Melinda was Stephanie. LaKisha was rock solid, but I think the Celine rule applies- you have to be even better than (or at least original in some way) the original artist if you're going to take on an icon. Yes, Diva 1, I agree that Sabrina was awfully pitchy. I like that she's smart about the competition, but I don't like her. I also found Jordin incredibly pitchy and all over the place, but I guess I'm alone in that one. I have no idea what Leslie and Haley are even doing there.
Haley and Antonella need to go tonight, I'm less sure about the guys...
Swollen Diva Out!
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