17 Divas : Dish about Celebrity, Reality TV, Entertainment & More!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Diva's Final(e) Observations...

Well ladies and gents, the time has come to bid farewell once more to our beloved Idol. Notwithstanding the talented gentry of this year, to wit Sundance, Our Fair Lady Melinda, the Follicly-challenged Phil and the Lovely Lady Lakisha, it has truly been the year of the teen.

Even thought there is little doubt tonight's crown will go to Jordin (who, coincidentally, sports the good luck nose piercing of the original Idol, KC), Diva 1 offers a few, final observations:

(1) Winner of best summary of the evening goes to CNN, who earlier on Tuesday declared tonight's contest to be one of "Beauty and the Beat Boxer." They must have been reading our clever witty site to come up with that one!

(2) Winner of best song of the night goes to, ironically, the Idol Song. Two unknowns managed to best an industry of writers, and Tamyra Gray, to give us the least annoying IS of the last several seasons. Kudos to them, and shame on Ryan for giving them less than 2 seconds of fame....

(3) Diva 1, notwithstanding the judges, thought Blake's best *vocal* was the IS. Although she finds it hard to get behind a boy wearing a sparkly, aqua argyle vest with matching camp shirt. Diva 1 had that outfit -- minus a considerable number of sparkles -- in the sixth grade. If Blake is nice, he might get to borrow the matching turquoise lightning bolt earrings...

And, while Diva 1 was NOT shot through the heart by the Bon Jovi song, it was far less hideous the second time around, largely due to the great performance...

(4) Diva 1 believes Jordin's best vocal of the night was the Broken Wings, although she wouldn't say (a la the Big Dawg) that it was better than the original. Diva 1 also appreciates that Jordin took a page out of recent seaon runners-up and dressed big for the final number, even if it was bit pitchy and screechy. Lesson learned? Sparkly dress, big earrings, a few tears and some heartfelt emotion WINS BIG.

(5) Finally, Mr. Daughtry should fire his stylist. The heavy eye make-up was super creepy, even if he sang really well. He's the lead singer for Daughtry, NOT Linkin' Park (in case he happened to leave his cd cover at home)...

Soooo, tune in tomorrow, when all the big things happen. Diva 1 can't wait to see who sings with who, which age old rock singers look for a boost in their careers (I'm talking YOU Meatloaf), what else the painkillers will make Paula say, and how Seacrest stretches 30 seconds of news into 2 painful hours.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Kate Walsh having Best Week After Week Ever!

Poor Kate Walsh. She's got the toughest job in the world. week after week she's sucking face with the hottest men around. McSteamy, McDReamy, McAlex and now McTimDaly. I can barely fathom the difficulty she must have getting up and going to work. all this Diva knows is Kate Walsh is one lucky lady.

In last night's 2 hour special and foreay into the much-talked about Grey's Anatomy spin-off, kate walsh hit a home run, and already got to first base in one of the HOTTEST tv kisses ever! I don't know what Tim Daly's been doing for the last few years, but bulking up at the gym and maintaining his sizzle factor have clearly been taking up his time. as Randy Jackson would say, "check it out, check it out, that was HOT Dawg, that was HOT!!"

Meanwhile, there was something familiar to me about Addison's best friend who owns the wellness spa with her separated husband. Then Diva 3 pointed out to me that she's Allison from Alias, Sydney Bristo's roommate who was killed and cloned to kill her. And Sark from Alias was also in a bit role.

one of the many things this Diva loved about this spin-off is the cute male surfer receptionist who at 1pm trades his work clothes for a pair of boardshorts and sex waxes up his board before hitting the waves for lunch everyday. the gals in the office spontaneously gather at 12:55 to drool, then again at 1:55 to witness the same show "wet".

loving it! D4

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bizzaro Night On Idol!!

Very Swollen Diva wasn't sure if the pregnancy hormones had finally boiled her brain away to the point she could no longer properly assess contestants!! Phil rocked the house? LaKeisha kicked serious ass? Chris didn't sing out of his nose the whole time? Blake was far from boring?? And Jordin sucked beyond all belief and recognition??

At least Melinda was there to anchor things with another solid performance. Unlike Diva One, I could tolerate her affect after tonight's performance. I felt as if rockin' out to Bon Jovi was totally out of her comfort level, unlike so many of her other performances- that are usually better but obviously more in her comfort zone. So, she really did need the reassurance that, yes, she once again proved she's the best vocalist and showman in the bunch.

But back to our surprises- once again, I marveled at Phil. He was damn lucky to last this long and finally hit his stride. I did see what Simon was getting at, but not to that extent. Phil isn't a rocker, and shouldn't really aspire to be. And come on Diva One, surely you jest, he just doesn't have that cool-hotness that Chris Daughtry did! Phil is a dork, and a little creepy- but he's really proving himself to be a helluva performer! There's a niche for him- not rock, not crooning, but maybe some Christian/Country type music? Someone obviously likes him- other than just Diva One!

I've been ready to see LaKeisha go, but I would truly be sad if she went home after this week's utterly amazing performance. She got both her brains and her pipes back. She made a wise choice of song and interpretation, with virtually no shouting. Yes, she did truly deserve that kiss, and seeing Simon with her lipgloss all over his face was the highlight of the night!

The lowlight, however, was my usual favorite- Jordin. I'm hoping that her frank admission that she totally sucked will save her, along with her excellent performance (and tons of votes) from last week. She honestly rivaled Sanjaya in her out and out suckiness. If I had been able to fast forward through it, I would have. Good lord.

And I finally realized JUST how young she is- her MOTHER grew up on Bon Jovi?? And poor Jordin clearly did not know this song at all. Which this child of the 80's/90's finds completely incomprehensible. Contestants like Phil were clearly at the advantage this week- he'd been practicing his song in the mirror almost as long as Jordin has been alive!

My real and true highlight of the night was BLAKE!! I loved it. I'd listen to it. I'd buy it. DH said he'd buy an album of Blake's Idol performances thus far. I agree, I thought last night's performance was BRILLIANT. He kept the big rockin' chorus we all love, but twisted all the right spots to make it his own. He made everyone else look like they were singing Karaoke. I hope his gamble pays off.

And Chris, I liked him, liked he knew someone had to sing Dead Or Alive, liked his less-nasally tone, but I think this is his swan song. Two people have to go this week, and I just cannot fathom how he cannot be one of them.

But who will the other one be??? LaKeisha? Jordin? I'm really not sure, but we all know how unpredictable Idol can be, so there's a good chance we could see *gasp* Melinda go home. And Blake's big gamble could kill him. I loved it, but I think Simon and Bon Jovi are right- there are a lot of people like Diva One who don't want some weird kid messing around with their Bon Jovi!

Diva Four speaks the greatest truth about out night, though. What the hell was up with Monkey Boy George Bush showing up?? I was really touched by last week's fundraiser, but seeing the Bushes last night made me shudder. Blech.

I must agree with Diva One- Bon Jovi proved himself to be a great mentor. LuLu might still be my favorite of this season, but I really enjoyed his frankness and enthusiasm. I must admit, I was kind of dreading a night of Bon Jovi, fearing it would be a night of retro shouting. But this ended up being one of my favorite Idol nights!

Of course, it could be the hormones talking. Oh, and as of today, they estimate Baby Joe weighs 8 lbs 14 ounces. And the due date is still 9 days away!! Wish me luck ladies. I know my doctor is hoping I'll go into labor next Wednesday because she's on call- but that means missing Idol!!!

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

That WAS a Love Song!

Diva 1 loved Lakisha, from the simple look, sultry hair, and absolutely SMOKIN' performance. Superb performance, and one that was her own. I hope she's around for another week!

Diva 1 also loves Jon Bon Jovi; he has a rep for being a humble Jersey boy, and tonight he proved it, being (perhaps) the most sincere and helpful "mentor" the Idol-bes have had this season.

Not to mention he loves some Phil Stacey, just like Diva 1 -- who, not surprisingly, again feels like he was robbed of the praise he deserved. He had a great song choice, a controlled vocal, and one that wasn't screechy (unlike several other performers tonight). And he was more watchable than ever. Clearly Simon, I mean someone, is worried about having another Taylor Hicks on his hands. Perhaps he should be reminded that, much like another famous bald Idol-be (can you say Daughtry?), he could be poised to sell tons of records. Josh Gracin -- the army rep of seasons past -- had the number one country record and stayed firmly in 4th on the charts for nearly a year after he was booted.

Jordin? Completely unwatchable, and unlistenable. For the first time ever, Diva 1 fast-forwarded an Idol performance.

Diva 1 thought Chris was good, and appreciated that (unlike his rehearsal with the afore-mentioned JBJ) his vocal was not the slightest bit nasally. D1 actually liked the gravelly tone, and thought it was a return to the more confident Richardson. It may not, however, be enough to ward off Blake the Boy-Bander. Rest assured, Diva 1 is firmly in the half of the population who does not want her Bon Jovi messed with. Didn't get it, didn't like it, wouldn't buy it. Sorry fella divas!

Last but not least, Ms. Doolittle. Diva 1 agreed with Randy: much better than last week, but not her best. Something about seeing her morph into Sally Fields ("you like me, you really like me") immediately after she quits singing takes a bit of the believability away for this Diva, notwithstanding Doolittle's competence...

Recap? Rock night was 50% rockin', JBJ is the teddy bear of rock, Paula needs to learn to do something other than squish her lips together and golf clap, and Lakisha earned that kiss...

Diva 1 out!

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A Kiss and A Bush as Idol Rocks Bon Jovi Night

Simon must be getting some, b/c he's spreading the love. Simon kissed Lakisha after her performance he thought she was so good. Ryan, in particular, enjoyed that.

I'll say I thought everyone rocked it tonite! i Loved Blake's beeebop version! that was hot dawg! Chris is just adorable! and Melinda's attitude was da bomb!

Jordin's hair did looked a like a dead animal. and have to say, she was my least favorite of the nite.

oh, wait, no she wasnt'. my least favorite of the night was George and Laura Bush's cameo political maneuver to "get jiggy" with the young folks while commending the Idol viewing public for their generous contributions to Idol Gives Back. I'm sorry, but I didnt' hear them make a donation. Just a bad joke or two. At least he didn't stutter. Very bizarre.


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Tessa Takes the Lead

On last night's bachelor, Andy Baldwin spent a group date with Amber, Bevin, Tina and Danielle assessing their "mom" quotient and their "community" factor as they did charity work creating a playground for an elementary school. Toiling soil, painting hopscotch boards and assembling tricycles and big wheels these gals did their best to paint themselves as the perfect mother to Andy's unborn children.

In a heart to heart talk Bevin confesses to Amber that it is makes her sick that someone who is 23 could be up against her mature-dness of 28 in the fight to win Andy. I mean, my GOSH, those ages are like night and day! In her 5 year advantage Bevin is INFINITELY more mature than AMber (as exhibited in this very scene)... NOT! God Lord, Bevin, you're TWENTY-EIGHT, not FORTY-EIGHT! GOI!

In one of the one-on-one dates, jeez, i cant remember her name, the 'other' stephanie i think, could barely form a sentence when Andy asked her about her career, dreams and future. Uhhhhhhhhh.... next!

Meanwhile, in the cliche "Pretty Woman" reinactment, Tessa received the one-on-one date complete with two million in diamonds and a stop off at Nicole Miller for a dress fitting of a princess before having a romantic date with Andy full throttle woo-ing her. I think this might actually be a first in Bachelor history that we've seen a bachelor CHASE a contestant. Nice going, Tessa.

so, at night's end Tina and Stephanie left the castle, rose-less and Andy-less.

This Diva predicts a showdown between Bevin and Tessa. And my ultimate Bachelor Finale prediction pegs Tessa as the one to win Andy's heart.

Diva 4 will be back for more,

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